
The Significance of DICOM Structured Reporting in Veterinary Medicine

Reading Time: 2 minutesThe development of medical imaging has proven crucial to diagnosis and treatment in the field of contemporary healthcare. Central to…

Published On September 5, 2023
Reading Time: 2 minutes

The development of medical imaging has proven crucial to diagnosis and treatment in the field of contemporary healthcare. Central to this evolution is the ingenious DICOM standard – an acronym for Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine. This standardized format for medical imaging has not only transformed the way veterinarians view and share images but has also significantly improved patient outcomes. In this blog post, we will delve into what is a DICOM structured report and why it is indispensable for veterinary care.


What is a DICOM Structured Report?

First and foremost, let’s understand what is DICOM. DICOM is a universal format for the storage and exchange of medical images, including radiographs, ultrasounds, MRIs and CT scans. It was developed by the American College of Radiology (ACR) and the National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) to address the growing need for a common language in the medical imaging world.

A DICOM Structured Report is a specialized type of medical imaging document used to convey structured information about the spatial and geometric relationships within a medical image, typically from a CT or MRI scan. It contains detailed data on anatomical structures, such as organs, tumors and bones, in a standardized format.

This report aids healthcare professionals in precise treatment planning, radiation therapy and surgical procedures by providing critical information about the size, shape and location of structures within the body. DICOM Structured Reports enhance communication among medical teams and ensure accurate and consistent interpretation of medical images.


Key Aspects and Benefits of DICOM Structured Reporting (DICOM SR)

DICOM SR is specifically designed for structured and standardized reporting of clinical information derived from medical images and other sources. Key aspects of DICOM SR include:

  • Structured Data: Firstly, DICOM SR organizes data into structured elements, allowing for consistent representation of information, including measurements, observations and annotations.
  • Interoperability: Next, it ensures compatibility across different medical imaging systems, facilitating seamless sharing and exchange of structured reports among healthcare professionals.
  • Standardized Templates: DICOM SR includes predefined templates for various medical specialties and procedures, ensuring uniformity and ease of use.
  • Machine-Readable: Thereafter, data in DICOM SR can be easily interpreted by computer systems, enabling automation and integration with electronic health records (EHRs) and other healthcare software.
  • Enhanced Reporting: DICOM SR also enables detailed and standardized reporting, enhancing the quality of medical documentation for improved patient care and research.
  • Patient-Centric: DICOM SR focuses on patient-centric information, aiding in treatment planning, decision-making and outcomes assessment.


Wrapping Up

In summary, DICOM SR is a vital component of modern healthcare. Its ability to organize and share clinical information effectively has made it an indispensable tool for veterinary professionals, institutions and researchers.


About Asteris Keystone:

The Asteris Keystone Software Suite enables veterinary practices across a wide range of specialties to utilize the benefits of PACS veterinary radiology software. This integrated suite of solutions delivers unmatched speeds, convenience and security to your veterinarian practice.

At Asteris, we enable data received from DICOM modalities to be processed in a manner that allows for expansion and changes to the DICOM standard, as published by the National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA). We also have the ability to package non-DICOM device data into DICOM format and structure it to be compliant with current (3.0) DICOM standards, allowing for the anticipated expansion of veterinary-specific DICOM elements.

To learn more, get in touch with our team now!

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